Website Checker - SEO Attributes our system checks

What we check


500 "Server Error"

500 server errors indicate that something has gone wrong on the server side. This could be a misconfiguration, a coding error, or an unexpected issue. A 500 error can cause the user's request to not be completed, and can lead to a poor user experience. From an SEO standpoint, 500 errors can negatively impact search engine crawlability, indexation, and rankings, as search engines may view the site as unreliable.

404 "Not Found"

404 server errors (aka `Page not found`) create a negative user experience. They indicate that the page the user was looking for cannot be found, and can be confusing and frustrating for the user. This can lead to users leaving the website and not trying to find what they were looking for, potentially resulting in lost customers and revenue. Additionally, 404 pages can have a negative effect on SEO because they represent broken links which can hurt a website’s ranking in search engine results pages.

Malformed (invalid, broken) links

Malformed links are links that basically lead the users nowhere. This causes a variety of problems, including broken pages and decreased search engine rankings. Search engine algorithms determine the relevance of a page based on the content and the structure of the link pointing to the page. Malformed links can lead to poor SEO rankings because the algorithms may not be able to understand the content of the page or the structure of the link. In addition, some search engines may penalize websites for having too many broken links or links pointing to invalid pages. Not only this affects SEO in a negative way, it also causes poor user experience.

Empty "href" attribute in links

An empty href attribute can cause a page to malfunction by breaking the link structure. Basically, when a user clicks on such a link, the page will just reload - and the user will stay on the same page. This is confusing, and can make it difficult for users to navigate the page and can even cause errors when the page is rendered. Additionally, search engine algorithms may penalize pages with empty href attributes as they could be seen as a sign of poor quality content.

Multiple <body> tags

Duplicating the HTML body tag can cause the webpage to display the content incorrectly or not at all. It can also cause some browsers to display an error message. Additionally, duplicate tags can cause the webpage to take longer to load, which can lead to a bad user experience. Furthermore, it can easily hurt the website's indexation and SEO ranking.

Multiple <title> tags

Duplicating the HTML title tag is really bad for SEO because it confuses search engine bots and makes it harder for them to understand the page content and index it properly. This can lead to lower rankings for your page and a decrease in organic search traffic.

Multiple <head> tags

Duplicated head tag affects SEO in a negative way because search engines may not be able to accurately index the page, and can even lead to penalties for having duplicate content. Additionally, duplicate head tags can affect page loading times and lead to other performance issues.

Missing favicon

Having a favicon helps users recognize your website quickly and easily. It also helps to create a polished and professional look. Without a favicon, your website may look less professional and may not be as easily recognizable as one with a favicon.

Encoding (meta charset) missing

An HTML page encoding should always be specified in the head element of the page, as it ensures that browsers interpret the page correctly and display the content correctly. If the encoding is not specified, the browser may not display the page as intended.


Title tag missing

A title tag is essential for SEO and usability. It tells search engines and users what the page is about and helps them decide whether to click on the link in the search results. Without a title tag, search engines won't be able to index the page properly and users may not click on the link if they don't know what the page is about.

Title tag empty

Every web page should have a title tag as it is important for SEO and helps visitors and search engines understand the content of a page more easily. Basically, an empty title tag is the same as having no title tag at all.

H1 tags missing

An HTML h1 tag is used to denote the main heading of a page, so if it is missing, it can make it difficult for users to navigate the page or understand the main topics of the page. Additionally, search engine crawlers use the h1 tag to understand the content of a page, so not having an h1 tag can negatively affect the page's SEO score.

H1 tag(s) empty

An empty h1 tag is still a valid tag. However, it is generally considered bad practice to have an empty h1 tag, because it provides a clear and concise 'title' for your page. This 'title' should accurately reflect the content of the page and be keyword-rich. Doing this will help your page rank better in search engine results.

Meta description missing

A missing meta description tag can be pretty bad for SEO. Meta descriptions are used by search engines to display a brief snippet of text in the search results, and help to draw users to your page. Without a meta description tag, search engines may display other content from the page, or may not display it at all. Having a meta description tag can help to improve the click-through rate of your page, and thus help to improve your SEO ranking.

Duplicated Title tags

Having pages with duplicated titles is a pretty bad idea. Google and other search engines may view it as an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings, which will result in a lower ranking for the website. Additionally, users searching for your content may become confused if they see multiple pages with the same title.

Duplicated H1 tags

Having pages with duplicated H1 tags is not good for SEO, and it's not good for user experience. Search engine algorithms look for unique content, and if the same H1 tag appears on multiple pages, it could be a sign that the content is not unique. Additionally, having duplicate H1 tags can create confusion for search engine crawlers, impacting how they crawl and index the pages.

Multiple H1 tags

Multiple H1 tags on a page are generally not recommended as it can cause confusion for search engines when trying to determine the main topic of the page. Google recommends only using one H1 tag per page.

Duplicated text content

Having duplicated content on different pages is extremely bad for SEO. Search engines consider duplicate content to be a sign that the website is providing a poor user experience, which can lead to lower rankings. Additionally, search engines may even penalize websites that have too much duplicate content, which will have a negative effect on SEO.

Duplicated meta description

Pages with duplicated meta descriptions can be bad for SEO. Search engines consider meta descriptions to be an important factor in determining how relevant a page is to a user’s search query. If multiple pages have the same meta description, search engines may view them as less relevant and rank them lower in search results.

Multiple meta description tags

Multiple meta descriptions on the same page can lead to confusion when search engines attempt to crawl and index the page. Additionally - and more realistically - having multiple meta descriptions can make it difficult to focus your page's SEO strategy. It is generally best to stick with one meta description per page to ensure that search engines understand the page better and can effectively index it.

Too few words

Having a low word count on a page is not necessarily bad for SEO, as long as the page is relevant and informative. However, it is important to keep in mind that search engines typically prefer pages with higher word counts, as they provide more context and information, and are more likely to be considered helpful and useful by users. As such, it is recommended to aim for pages with 300-500 words or more to ensure the best SEO results. Our system treats pages with less than 50 words as 'having low word count'

Links have double slash

Having links with double slashes - when they're not in the beginning of the link - is not recommended as the double slashes can cause confusion for search engines, which can lead to the link not being indexed correctly. Additionally, the double slashes can sometimes cause problems with redirects, which could lead to a negative impact on SEO. Example of such a link: https://some-site/tags//seo

Heading ("h*" tags) ordering wrong

There are so-called HTML heading tags - h1, h2, h3, etc. Normally, they should go in that order, i.e. 1,2,3,4, so an invalid order would be to have, say, H3 tag go before H1. Having incorrect ordering is not a disaster. Search engines are typically able to understand the content of a page even if the heading tags are not properly ordered. However, it is important to have the correct hierarchy of headings in place to help users understand the structure of the page. This can also improve the user experience, which can in turn help with your SEO.

Huge DOM size (too many tags)

Too many DOM elements might have a negative impact on page loading speed, which can negatively affect your search engine rankings. Additionally, too many elements may cause the browsers to slow down and the page becoming 'laggy'. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your page is optimized for speed and that you are not adding unnecessary DOM elements. Our system triggers this flag when there are more than 1500 DOM elements on the page.

Links too long

URLs that are excessively long can become difficult to read and make it harder for users to find the specific page they are looking for. For this reason, it is important to keep URLs as concise and descriptive as possible. Our system treats URLs with more than 120 symbols as too long.

Text-to-code ratio is too low

Low text to code ratio is generally not good for SEO, as search engine crawlers may have difficulty understanding the content of the page. Additionally, having too much code on the page can lead to slower page loading speeds, which can negatively affect your ranking in search engine results. Our system triggers this alert when the whole length of the HTML page (including tags) is more than 15 times bigger than the textual content of the page.

HTTPS page(s) link to HTTP resources

If your site supports HTTPS protocol (it actually should), try to avoid having HTTP internal links. Search engines tend to give preference to secure websites (those with HTTPS links) in their search rankings because they provide an added layer of security.

Title too short

A short title is not necessarily bad for SEO, as long as the title accurately describes the content and includes important keywords. However, having a longer title that more clearly conveys the content and includes more relevant keywords will likely help improve search engine rankings. Our system's threshold: less than 20 symbols

Title too long

A long title can be detrimental to SEO because it may not accurately reflect what the page is about and may not be as easy for search engines to understand or index. Additionally, long titles can be difficult for users to read and comprehend, which can hurt the user experience. Our system's threshold: more than 70 symbols

Meta description empty

An empty description can be damaging to SEO, as search engines use the description to understand what a page is about and display it in the search engine results. While it is not as important as the title, a well-crafted description can help improve the visibility of a page and make it more attractive to users.

Meta description too short

Having a short description can be beneficial for SEO in certain cases, such as when you want to focus on optimizing for a specific keyword phrase. However, it is generally not recommended because short descriptions may not provide enough information to help rank higher in search results. Additionally, search engines may interpret short descriptions as keyword stuffing, which could result in a lower ranking. Threshold: less than 50 symbols

Meta description too long

Long descriptions can be bad for SEO because it can make the page appear to be less relevant to what users are searching for. Additionally, Google's algorithm may suppress the ranking of pages with long descriptions, as it can be seen as a sign of low quality content and/or keyword spam. Threshold: 320 symbols

Meta description equals to Title

Having the same description and title is not necessarily bad for SEO, as long as the content of the description and title is relevant to the content of the page. However, it is generally recommended to have a unique title and description for each page, as this helps search engines to determine the relevance of the page to a particular search query.

H1 too long

A long H1 tag can be difficult to read and could potentially be a detractor to users. Ultimately, it is best to have concise and descriptive H1 tags that accurately reflect the content of the page. Threshold: 70 symbols

H2 missing

Some pages may not need an H2 tag at all, depending on the content. However, whenever it's applicable, it's a good idea to have it on the page. It is one of the most important elements of a website's content structure. Search engines use h2 tags to understand the hierarchy of information on a page, and it's important for SEO that the h2 tags are properly formatted and used throughout the page.

HTML lang attribute missing

The language of a website should be specified in the <html> tag in order to help search engines crawl and index the website.

Canonical missing

A canonical tag tells search engines which version of a page to prioritize when indexing and ranking. Without a canonical tag, search engines could index multiple versions of the same page, which could lead to duplicate content issues and can negatively affect SEO.

Canonical is not in <head>

It is not recommended to place the canonical tag outside of the <head> section since search engines may not be able to properly identify the canonical URL.

Duplicated "id" attributes

IDs should be unique and not repeated as they are used to identify individual elements within the document. If there are duplicated IDs, then elements within the document may not be identified properly and the page may not function as expected.

More than 100 internal links

Too many internal links can make it difficult for visitors to find what they are looking for and can also lead to a decrease in website traffic. Additionally, having too many internal links can make it difficult for search engines to index your website properly, affecting your website's rankings. Threshold: more than 100 internal links.

No internal links

Internal links help to provide structure and navigation to a website, and to increase its visibility and search engine rankings. They also help to provide a better user experience by allowing users to easily navigate between related content on a website. Generally, every page should have at least a few internal links.

More than 30 outgoing links

Having too many outgoing links on a website can be bad because it can make the website look cluttered and unprofessional. It can also slow down page loading speed, which could negatively impact user experience. But what's most important, Google may penalize websites with too many external links, as it can appear to be an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. Threshold: more than 30 outgoing links.

Non-descriptive generic link anchors (like "here", "click" etc.)

Non-descriptive link anchors (like `here`, `read`, `click` etc.) can be bad for SEO because they don't give search engine crawlers any information about the content of the link. This can lead to lower ranking in search engine results pages. Additionally, if a user clicks on the link, they may not be sure where the link is taking them, which can be a bad user experience.


Some tags have inline "style" attribute

Generally, CSS files are responsible for styling the elements. <style> elements increase the web page size, decreasing its load speed which may lead to worse user experience and even ranking.

Some images have no "alt" attribute

Images with no alt tags can reduce the accessibility of a website, and can cause difficulties for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers to access and understand websites. Additionally, search engine robots are unable to properly index images if they don’t have an alt tag, which can affect your website's SEO ranking in a negative way.

Some images have no size attributes

Images with no sizes (i.e. width/height attributes) can make a website look disorganized. Additionally, images with no sizes don't always look best and can often appear pixelated or blurry.

<p> tags missing

P tag is normally used to separate paragraphs in text from each other. Missing p tags - while not necessarily being bad - may indicate that there's not enough text on the page, or that it's poorly structured. This may affect both readability and ranking.

<b> or <strong> tags missing

HTML tags like <b> and <strong> provide structure and meaning to text, and should generally not be omitted. Omitting them can make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index the content, as well as for screen readers to interpret the text for people with disabilities.

H1 tags have other tags inside

Generally, it is considered bad practice to put other tags inside an h1 tag because it is usually used to indicate the most important headline on the page. If other tags are included, it can cause confusion and make the page harder to navigate, and affect SEO in a negative way.

H2 tags have other tags inside

Same as with H1, it's better to avoid having other tags inside of the heading tags, because it can make it harder for search engines to index and rank the web page properly.

URL has too many GET params

Having too many GET params in a URL can degrade the user experience and make it difficult for users to use the website. The more GET parameters you have, the longer the URL will be, making it more difficult for users to remember and share. Current system's threshold: more than 4

Internal links have nofollow attribute

Internal nofollow links, in general, are not bad for SEO. They are used to indicate to search engines that a link should not be followed, and therefore do not pass PageRank. This is useful when linking to pages that are not important for SEO purposes, such as a privacy policy page or a contact page. However, these links should be double-checked because adding the `nofollow` attribute by mistake can cause negative effect on SEO.

H1 tags start with lowercase

It is traditionally considered best practice to use title case (e.g. 'My H1 Title') for headings, or at least have the first letter capitalized for better readability.

Title tag starts with lowercase

Generally speaking, it is better to start titles with uppercase letters, because it improves readability.

H2 tags start with lowercase

It is traditionally considered best practice to use title case (e.g. 'My H2 Title') for headings, or at least have the first letter capitalized for better readability.

Multiple links with same anchor

Generally, it is important to vary the anchor text to ensure that it appears natural to search engines, and that pages get associated with specific keywords from the anchor.

Links with "onclick" attribute

A link having an `onclick` attribute is not necessarily bad, but it may be an indication that the link is not working properly and should be investigated. Onclick attributes can sometimes be used to prevent link behavior, such as when a link should be used as a button instead of going to a different page. If the link is not functioning as expected, it should be investigated and possibly removed.

Links have non-ascii symbols

Non-ASCII symbols in URLs are not necessarily bad. However, some browsers may not handle them correctly, leading to 404 pages. Unless absolutely necessary, we would recommend having only asci symbols in URLs.

Forms with GET method

It is generally OK to have a form with a GET method. However, it is important to consider the type of data that is being sent and how much of it there is. For sensitive information, it is recommended to use a POST method as GET requests can expose data in the URL, which can be a security risk.

Content not updated for a year

This attribute means that the page hasn't been updated for more than a year (data taken from `Last-Modified` header). The outcome actually depends on the type of page. If it is a blog, then it is probably not a good sign, as it suggests the content is no longer relevant. If it is a product page, then it could simply mean the product is no longer available. Generally speaking, it is best to keep webpages up-to-date, as this helps to maintain a website's credibility and visibility.